"Les Miserable" is my all time favorite Broadway musical. And it didn't disappoint. When we sat down there were three empty seats in front of us and Bryan said to me "What we need to sit here are short people." In walks, seriously, the shortest little family ever. We cracked up. But hey, it was wonderful. I, however, had "Girl who needed to use her cell phone as a flashlight, during a very intense moment, to read her program because they missed the first act" sitting by me.
Today I had Esprit.
Yes, we are back to this. 75 kids.
Tonight and tomorrow I have stage crew and Bobbi is on worship.
I always like it when we are on together on a weekend.
And after church tomorrow we are going to go to the Norris High School production of...
that's right "Les Miserable". Most of the kids that are in Esprit and go to Norris are in the play and Jill is the director so it should be fun.