He tried it out that evening.
Wednesday, November 20 I spent my last day with the kids for about 3 weeks. We played a rousing game of UNO before school.
Bryan went to work and taught his evening class for the last time in 8 weeks or so.
Today, Thursday, November 21 Bryan had a cardiac catheterization. It showed that his arteries were "clean as a whistle" according to Dr. Meckle. That was very good news. That means they won't need to do any bypasses while they are in replacing the aortic valve and repairing the aortic stem. They had a little trouble getting an IV in. Third time was the charm. The nurses felt so bad.
The two guys in the lower left photo are both on Dr. Oaks surgery team and will be assisting with Bryan's surgery. They also both attend Berean and when they got done explaining everything to us and talking with Bryan, they asked if they could pray with us. It was very sweet.
So we are here in the hospital room waiting for him to be able to get up and then go home to wait until Monday. On Monday we have to be here at 5:00 a.m. and the surgery starts at 7:30 a.m. So the journey has begun.
Our sincerest, heartfelt prayers. Your family-- each and every member-- is a great blessing to others. What gifts God has given us. Thank you. We love you.