
Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Rest of June

We got home from Spain on June 17 (Two months from Bobbi and Travis' wedding!) and I headed back to work the next two days. Then I had a meeting on Friday morning, I babysat the kids Saturday afternoon and we had a wedding that night and Bryan was preaching that weekend too. And I had Esprit on Sunday. So we hit the ground running. It was good to have a day home Monday and Tuesday. 
Bryan had put in a gate at the edge of the yard so he decided to put a "path to no where" going through it. It looks so nice. 
I have been making food for the wedding reception. Anything that I can make ahead and freeze. I have quite a bit in the freezer. Such an exciting time.
I took this picture of the nest the other day. Empty nest...
Then yesterday I was mowing and the robin was having a fit so I snapped this picuture. 
Here we go again!! 
Also I was doing some dead heading and trimming around the yard and found this. I thought it looked so pretty in with my dead heads. It is a red wing blackbird egg.
The kids spent the night the other day and we had a good time in some great weather.
An EZ-GO ride is always a thrill.
Ashley came out and ate supper with us. The kids were thrilled to get to see her and spend time with her.
My zinnias around the place are going crazy and I love it.
The Esprit kids led worship this weekend.
On Tuesday the Petersen boys came out to have supper. Jeff and Cynci were in Germany at the AVANT conference. The boys brought along the game "Ticket to Ride". Bryan rarely plays board games but they wouldn't let him off the hook. It was a fun game.
Bryan found this sign on eBay and got it for my garden. I love how it looks with the old bike.
I just finished this amazing book. I recommend it to everyone. Thanks, Jen for telling me to read it.
My project this past week was to power wash the deck. It took me three days.
But it is now ready to be painted white! I can't wait. When I get home from Esprit tour that is my project. 
Just have to show these white zinnias. I did not know they would have pink on them. So pretty!!
And it is time for my annual trumpet vine  photo...
Yes it is beginning to bloom. Every year I obcess about whether it is going to grow, live, bloom etc. Bryan probably gets really tired of hearing me talk about it. But he's a good man, he just nods and says "You say the same thing every year." 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. You are radiant mirrors of Him. Thank you. Love and Prayers
