
Friday, November 12, 2010

And then one thing leads to another...

Bryan and I got this little baby buggy skeleton from a guy that we buy lots of "junk" from. I wanted to put it in this spot in the family room with quilts in it. Ok, but to do that I  had to move this...
which used to sit where the little buggy now resides. But moving that required me to empty it out and I had stored all sorts of dishes that we don't use anymore in it so that resulted in this...
which led to cleaning out two cupboards in the kitchen and my old fridge in the dining room. I did find some of my girl's pottery projects, that made me happy. Since I had the trunk moved out of the family room I decided to vacuum under the rug in there and move it a little which led to having to clean out the toy container because it fell apart when I moved it. So now the house really looks like a disaster but is actually very clean and organized inside of things. I really should have just read a book by the fire, it really is that kind of day.

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