
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yesterday and the Key Party -

That's right,  Key Party (kee-par-tay) n. a non-political party involving family 
               members of the people who lost the Volkswagon Beetle key.
Yesterday Bobbi came out to hang out and caused me to stop all my running from thing to thing and go lay out on the dock with her and get some much needed sun and conversation. First we ate the Jimmie John's that she brought out for lunch. We sat out on the deck in the sunshine and talked with Bryan.
 While sitting out there my phone rang and it was the locksmith calling 
to tell Bryan that she had tried making a key from the passengers side handle and 
So for $20 we have the keys to the VW. 
Bryan went back in to get the car. 
Bobbi and I went to lay out.
Neither of us had glasses on so it was hard to see how this picture turned out...
Bryan came home and declared that we needed to all go out to eat to celebrate the keys.
So we went to South Chargrill and had a key party.
Fortunately, Jayme could join us.
P.S. Bobbi and I laid out for 2 hours. Her comment, 
"Mom, this is the longest you have stuck with something all day." 
We had a good laugh about that.

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