
Monday, May 31, 2010

So little time...

  I was just sitting, having my coffee and thinking about what things I need to do and how much I am looking forward to everyone coming out for the day. I picked up my phone and noticed the date. Not that I didn't know what day it was, but just seeing that May 31, 2010 shocked me. May is over. I got an instant stomach ache just seeing it and realizing that in 4 months and 12 days, Ashley leaves for Spain. Most of the time I try to keep the emotions under control but it is little times like this that take me unaware. 
  I am blessed to have friendship with all my girls and I think it is that friendship that makes this hard. Not only is my child leaving for 5 years but my friend is too. And the mixture of being so proud of the choices she has made with her life and knowing that this is right where God wants her is sometimes hard to reconcile with the sadness of knowing that I will miss having her near to laugh with and chat with and make cookies with. Who will mess up my kitchen as soon as I get it cleaned up? Also knowing how much Bobbi and Jayme will miss her is hard. 
  One day I was talking about Ashley leaving and someone told me that I needed to untie the apron strings from her...have I untied the apron strings? Yes, I believe I have, but does that mean I can't use the apron to wipe my tears?

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